November 2023

Shining a spotlight on all things BASIC at BGT

BGT are leading the way on their accessibility, safety, and inclusion mission.  From having a magnifier and hearing loops available at their front reception for tenants to use, uploading an accessibility map to their website, to installing tactile indicators and updated signage across Barkly Square.

Ren Watts, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor at BGT says “some of the simple considerations we have made are holding events on key dates for the community such as NAIDOC Week or Wear it Purple Day, adding inclusion statements to our job ads, displaying local First Nations and LGBTQIA+ art around the site and being a proud member of the CoRE Alliance”

While BGT have installed some “big ticket” items after receiving a large grant for automatic doors and an accessible entrance ramp, it is the little things we continue to do which are also making a difference to those who work within the space and to visitors.