November 2023

We are thrilled to announce our second BASIC ambassador, Dee Banks. 

Dee is mother to Emma who is a stroke survivor, Emma is 8 years old now and a happy child who
loves to sing and dance. Emma’s stroke diagnosis identified significant gaps in the service system,
this is when Dee decided to Co-Found Little Stroke Warriors Australia, which is now formally part of
the Stroke Foundation.

Dee is Chair of the Stroke Foundation Childhood Stroke Lived Experience Advisory Committee and is
a fierce advocate for the voices of lived experience to be integrated into organisational policy
development and support resources. Dee is also a Family Violence survivor advocate (child survivor)
and works with survivor networks and organisations to enhance the voices of children experiencing
family violence, provide consultation on policy development, training resources and research

Her experience as a parent to a child with a disability is what motivates her advocacy for a more
accessible and inclusive community, so that every child has equal opportunities to thrive and follow
their dreams. Access and inclusion extends far beyond a wheelchair ramp or wheelchair access, the
more we can educate the community about how they can do their part in increasing opportunities
and challenging their bias that prevents change, the more people with disabilities can participate in
society. Accessibility looks different for every individual but often the changes required are BASIC
and achievable. I look forward to assisting businesses and organisations in aligning to the BASIC